Thursday, July 14, 2011

I have 200 followers!

I just had to do a celebratory post because I now have 200 blog followers!  Thanks so much to all of my faithful readers.  I'm working on a cool crafty garden item handmade by yours truly I can post here for a free drawing.  So be looking for it, and until then happy urban homesteading!

(Image from


  1. Congrats! I found your blog recently and I am so happy about it. Moved to the USA 6 months ago and have to learn a lot. Potatoes taste different, I hardly recognize the apple types etc etc. Long way to go. Having found your blog helps me to get hold on produce issues of mine!

  2. Thanks Paula! Good luck growing in the US. Look for local gardening resources which will show you what varieties to grow. This has helped us a lot!
