This is our second season here on the homestead, and even though Ron has worked in horticulture since high school and has a green thumb the size of New York we're still figuring out what grows well here, how to grow it, what not to grow, and on and on. We just got chickens, so we're obviously newbie urban homesteaders. I'm finally coming to the revelation that urban homesteading is not a race, but a slow steady individual process. Changing a person's lifestyle takes time, especially if you're going to do it right. Some people take to it quickly and within a few months are transformed into urban homesteading super heros gardening, canning, raising chickens and spinning their own organic threads and fibers over night, while others, (like us), take a few years adding slowly to our urban homesteading repitoire over time.

I think one of the important things to consider when doing urban homesteading is priorities. For us growing our own greens was at the top of the list, so we started our garden as soon as possible. We live close to the bay and our soil was sandy and extremely nutrient deficient. Last year our garden was the main focus, so any extra time we had went there. This year it's chickens, and between building the coop and raising 6 little hens we have our hands full. Some of our future goals include: bee keeping, aqua culture, water catchment system, soap making, fiber spinning and the list goes on! Since there are so many possibilities I think it's a good idea to make up a "urban homesteading planning" list. If you prioritize your interests from "must haves" to "can wait" the process becomes a lot less daunting and you can actually get something done. You should buy the books, find your favorite blogs and websites, and see them as resources for your individual lifestyle, but don't feel like you have to do everything at once. If you start to feel too overwhelmed take a step back and look at what is the most important to you, then focus on that.
Here is my long and short lists of our urban homesteading priorities, and the "have done" "in process" and "to do's."
pallet compost bins (2)
raised beds (9)
compost rich soil for raised beds
veggies growing/planted (14)
fruit trees (3)
blue berry bushes (5)
herb garden
chickens (6)
bunny (1)
frogs (imported to our pond)
wild birds (new to our property
since we planted flowers)
bread making
cooking with veggies/herbs
In Process Now:
chicken coop
green house
To Do This Spring/Summer:
fruit trees (2-3)
rain catchment & irrigation system
soap/shampoo making/bath salts
To Do (Future):
aqua culture
bat box
dying fabric
So what are your top urban homesteading priorities?